Books I've Published

I have two publishing businesses: G8Press and Alten Ink. Need publishing help contact

** All books are available on Amazon but we like our E-Store.

Alten Ink

  1. A Whisper of Words by Deborah L. Alten (Kindle)
  2. Against My Religion by Steven Urenda
  3. Against My Religion (Kindle)
  4. If I Can Cook It You Can Cook It Cookbook (Kindle)
  5. The Vuillaume Violin by Deanne Davis (Kindle)

  1. Daddy, Will You Play Catch with Me? by Sandra Schoger Foster 
  2. Daddy, Will You Play Catch with Me? (Kindle)
  3. Habit to Heart by Sharon Norris Elliott
  4. If I Can Cook It You Can Cook It Cookbook by Deborah Alten and Friends
  5. Melinda's Museum Magic by Kelly Hashway
  6. Olivia's Pod: An Orca's Tale by Kurt Meidinger
  7. Olivia's Pod: An Orca's Tale (Kindle)
  8. The Crown by Deanne Davis (Kindle)
  9. The Write Cooks Cook It Right by the San Gabriel Valley Inklings
  10. The Stupid Term Paper by Sharon Norris Elliott