Wednesday, February 01, 2012

How To Make $44,000 with Your Blog

Yes, you read that right: $44,000. How can you make $44,000 with your blog; work at it, have some patience and listen to the advice from bloggers who are actually doing it. Check out Tent Blogger who makes $44,000 a year. The stats are posted in his sidebar. Tent Blogger is a stay-at-home dad, he's funny, witty, creative, and has a slew of free advice on how to make money with your blog. I love how he gets personal with his readers.

In any case, like I said, it takes a lot of patience. Tent Blogger guides you through all the steps of how and what it takes to make a comfortable living ($44,000). I recommend you sign up for his free newsletter. You'll get his "classes" and tips in your email. All for free.

I've started implementing his wisdom on my book blog, The Watchers, and I've seen nice growth of traffic--got a long way to go. I'll be working on this blog next.

Here's a video he recommends.