Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Amazon Affiliate Program

Earlier this year Californians were given the news that Governor Jerry Brown signed an anti-affiliate law (for lack of a better title). We could no longer participate in affiliate programs such as the one Amazon offers. That didn't sit well with a lot of people including Amazon themselves. Well, I'm not sure who all went to bat for us but soon after the bill was signed it was overturned.

Amazon is quite a money maker for many of us and we appreciate the effort to get us back on board. Speaking of coming on board, are you an Amazon Affiliate yet?

You can put a Search Box on your site like this . . .

Or your very own Product Cloud . . .

And how 'bout your Own Store . . .

I usually put my own library of books on my blogs . . . You can see one such library, The Library of Weird and Unusual, on my blog The Watchers